Friday, 12 January 2018

First Half of "The 100-Mile Diet"

Smith, A. and J.B. MacKinnon. 2007. The 100-mile diet. Vintage Canada. Toronto. pg 1-126.

    The 100-Mile Diet is an interestingly written novel due to the fact that both Alisa Smith and James MacKinnon are the writers. Each month/chapter switches with who writes it, I found this kept my attention more so then just one author due to the different writing styles between them. I also found it interesting how hard finding groceries was for them. Considering they are in Vancouver you would assume it would have been easy. As a population I do not believe we realize how little we actually eat from our own food source. This novel really opened my eyes to this and made me very apprehensive of the fact that the majority of the food I eat is all from out of country. That fact is very disheartening because my choice of food is not helping our beautiful earth.
    The other interesting thing this novel does is it does not have much conversation. It mainly focuses on the authors internal struggle as well as the adventures they take to find local food, also the trouble with creating appetizing things out of the limited food sources during each season. All of this I would never consider, even though humans are only supposed to consume what is in season depending on where they live. Unfortunately we do not seem to do this anymore because we want all these other exotic foods, all the while we do not realize the cost to our planet. This is definitely an interesting read, and it does have its ups and downs that do or do not hold your interest, but so far I really appreciate the novel and the effort this couple went through to eat within a hundred miles of their home. I cannot wait to finish it and see how the rest of their year goes.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! Definitely opened my eyes as well, I had no idea our food was travelling that far just so we can have it year round. It may be cheaper on our wallets, but definitely costly on our planet.
